Does Chocolate relieve Stress?

 Yes and no. Chocolate releases chemicals that are in your brain called endorphanes. These are the stress-relieving chemicals that trigger your brain to tell you that you are relaxing and that it is pleasurable. On the other hand, chocolate can endure more stress to your brain especially if you are worried about your weight. You'll get a 1-2 minute pleasure zone and then you'll start to think, "Oh crap, why am I eating this! This'll just make me more fat!", which will then cause more stress, thus making you want to eat more chocolate which will not be a healthy thing to do. Chocolate is good for you in the sense that it really does give you pleasure, thus making you happier, thus making you not stressed and/or worried, thus making you eat less or whatever the problem may be.

Hope this helps, good luck and have fun! :)

When u have a hard time,just laugh.( >.^)

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