Does LOVE truely exist?

Now i know i am young but i'm not " normal " i don't think like normal people and you wouldn't understand and if i tried to explain it to you it would take days. not even kidding. anyways don't think of me as a kid ok or even a teen think of me as a person ok. i used to believe in the fairy tale love the kind u read in love novels and movies. I've been through a lot and im not sure if i actually felt love but now im not sure because i was expecting a lot more so maybe i just missed it and i'm finally free of my imagination and came to reality to see that it sucks and nothing i ever believed in exists. it's hard to explain this all to u but i would like to die...not in a suicidal way but in a way that life is boring yes there are cool things to do but nothing is really worth it now if there would be the true love i imagined then that's worth living for. I do believe that love has different forms and i'm not talking about love between family or friends but between 2 people whether its 2 women 2 men or a man and a woman can it exist the way i always imagined.

When u have a hard time,just laugh.( >.^)

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