Famous Pirates

A collection of the world's most famous pirates, including women pirates, that ever sailed the seas. Our female pirate biographies immortalize the misdeeds of dubious women pirate heroines. Check out our special section on female pirate buccaneers. Also find famous pirates like Blackbeard, and all the other most infamous pirate names. Organized by pirate name, each pirate biography is written to convey the cruel reality of each rogue's pirate life. You'll find pirates history to be engrossing and fascinating to read. Be sure to also visit our history of pirates section for an overview of piracy and also our pirate legends and pirate facts section for more details about piracy.

Anne Bonny

  • A Biography of Anne Bonny
    Anne Bonny’s life was by far not as adventurous as Mary Read’s, but it had been a hard life. She was a bastard daughter of an attorney of Cork in Ireland, whose wife had left him because of his loose way of life. Her ... Continue reading.
  • Ahoy, Matey! That Pirate Has Breasts!
    Anne Bonny, whether you believe her to have been a woman full of grit and gumption or a conscienceless criminal, is a fascinating historical figure. Amazingly, her appeal is due to what is not known about her as much ... Continue reading.

Bartholomew Roberts

  • The Great Pirate Roberts
    Bartholomew Roberts, referred to as the ' Great Pirate Roberts', roamed the seas in the early eighteenth century. He traveled the coasts of North and South America. His reputation had grown so immense that guard ships... Continue reading.

David Porter

Edward Teach

  • Blackbeard the Pirate
    Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach was undoubtedly was one the most feared and most despised pirates of all time. Edward Teach is thought to have lived in England before his pirate career, although his exact origins are unknow... Continue reading.
  • Blackbeard’s Last Stand
    In 1718 Alexander Spotswood, the Governor of Virginia Alexander, was under enormous pressure to remove pirates from his domain, so he offered rewards for their capture. Top of the wanted list was Blackbeard with £100 ... Continue reading.

Francis Drake

  • The Gentleman Pirate
    Sir Francis Drake was born around 1540 as the son of a puritan farmer and preacher. He taught himself the art of sailing as the navigator of a small merchant sail vessel. Later in the beginning of his career, he serve... Continue reading.

Henry Morgan

  • The King of All Pirates
    In the year 1655 England seized a weakly guarded Spanish Island: Jamaica, and converted it into an English colony. The guards defending the Island were generally taken from the streets, and represented the worst crimi... Continue reading.

Jean Laffite

  • A Biography of Jean Laffite
    Jean Laffite, thought to have been born in France, was more of a businessman than seafarer. Along with his brother, Laffite practiced pirating and privateering out of Barataria Bay, south of New Orleans. With over 10 ... Continue reading.

John King

John Rackham

  • A Biography of John Rackham
    John Rackham is also known as 'Calico Jack' by many due to his preference for calico coats and britches. Though not among the most notorious pirates of the seas, he is most renown for his association with Anne Bonny a... Continue reading.

Mary Read

  • A Biography of Mary Read
    Mary Read came to life as the illegitimate child of her mother, and was dressed as a boy to impersonate her deceased (legitimate) brother, to hide her mothers indiscretions from her sea-faring father. She was thus bro... Continue reading.
  • Life in a Man's World: Mary Read
    Mary Read was born in London, England in the late seventeenth century to the wife of a sea captain. Some historical documents claim that Mary Read was disguised as a boy so that her father would believe that she was h... Continue reading.

Maurycy Beniowski

  • A Biography of Maurycy Beniowski
    Count Maurycy Beniowski (also known as Baron Maurice de Benyowski) was born in Poland to a noble family. At that time Poland was partitioned into three parts, Beniowski was born in the Russian part. As a youngster he ... Continue reading.

Samuel Bellamy

  • A Biography of Samuel Bellamy
    Samual Bellamy, later to be called 'Black Bellamy', was known to be one of the most active freebooters. As legend has it that he was a young English sailor, who traveled to the new world colonies to seek his fortune. ... Continue reading.

Stede Bonnet

  • A Biography of Stede Bonnet
    One of the sea’s strangest, and most unlikely pirates, from the Virginia coast. He was originally a high ranking individual, known as Major Stede Bonnet. Bonnet came from an upright French family. He himself possessed... Continue reading.

Thomas Jones

  • A Biography of Thomas Jones
    Maj. Thomas Jones, like the rest of my family ever since, had a knack for choosing the wrong side in a political dispute. His own heritage was Welsh, but as a young man, he joined the Irish who fought unsuccessfully f... Continue reading.

William Dampier

  • The Old Pyrating Dog
    William Dampier led a life of controversy. He spent many years travelling the world with buccaneering parties, and was involved in looting, violence and general piracy. He published journals recording his travels, mix... Continue reading.

William Kidd

A Biography of William Kidd
One of the most well known Pirates of all times was Captain Kidd, who had originally been employed to rid the seas of pirates. Kidd was born around 1645 (the exact date is unknown). He found employment as an E... One of the most well known Pirates of all times was Captain Kidd, who had originally been employed to rid the seas of pirates.
Kidd was born around 1645 (the exact date is unknown). He found employment as an English Privateer who found such success in New York and the West Indies that he was called back to serve England. The King’s officers asked Kidd to captain a new powerful ship: the Adventure Galley. The Adventure Galley was equipped with 34 cannons and a crew of 80. Its mission was to capture all French ships, and the pirates of Madagascar. Kidd accepted the proposition.
Kidd thought his ship could use a better crew so he recruited a gang of cutthroats in New York and sailed for Madagascar. Once there, a good portion of his new crew left Kidd’s ship in order to join the pirates. The remaining portion of pirates on Kidd’s crew, threatened him with mutiny, unless Kidd would attack any and all ships. Kidd refused. Mutiny was close at hand, and a fight between him and the ship gunner erupted. Kidd killed the man, and the crew did not pursue the revolt further; however, after that incident, Kidd was a changed man. Plundering ships of all kinds along India’s Malabar coast: Kidd had become a pirate. The holds of the Adventure Galley were already full when Kidd decided to plunder the Quedagh Merchant. The Quedagh Merchant was a huge treasure ship of 400 tons (the Adventure galley weighed only 284 tons). As the pirates approached the merchant, the captain of the vessel gave the sign of surrender; however, the captain of the merchant was secretly preparing for battle.
Sails were trimmed, sand was poured for better footing, ammunition was readied, and buckets were filled for fire fighting. As the pirates neared, the merchant vessel fired- but due to a sudden ocean swell, the shot missed its mark. The pirates immediately threw their grappling hooks, bringing the two ships together. The pirates rapidly boarded the ship, and soon Captain Kidd was in the possession of one of the greatest pirate treasures ever. With this final accomplishment under his belt: he ordered his crew to set sail for New York. Kidd thought he could fool the New Yorkers into believing that all his plunder had been taken only from French and pirate vessels.
Unfortunately for him, he was very mistaken: a great deal of the booty belonged to the powerful British East India Company. Kidd was clapped into chains and shipped to England were he was sentenced to death. Kidd experienced a terrible death: the hangman’s rope broke twice, the third time it held. Once Drake was dead: his body was dipped in tar and hung by chains along the Thames River. Kidd’s body served as a warning to all would-be pirates for years to come. Kidd's farewell speech:
My name was Captain Kidd, when I sail'd, when I sail'd, And so wickedly I did, God's laws I did forbid, When I sail'd, when I sail'd. I roam'd from sound to sound, And many a ship I found, And then I sunk or burn'd, When I sail'd. I murder'd William Moore, And laid him in his gore, Not many leagues from shore, When I sail'd. Farewell to young and old, All jolly seamen bold, You're welcome to my gold, For I must die, I must die. Farewell to Lunnon town, The pretty girls all round, No pardon can be found, and I must die, I must die, Farewell, for I must die. Then to eternity, in hideous misery, I must lie, I must lie.
Captain Kidd experienced a short-lived pirating career: but in it he managed to have a great many people killed, some of which he himself murdered in cold blood.


  I Think this is the famous pirates ever..:p

When u have a hard time,just laugh.( >.^)

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