A Pirates Life

 Ahoy Mates..

Here be the tale of four mateys that left it all behind for The Pirate's Life. A tale of how they broke free from the everyday chains we all face - no longer to remain the prisoners and servants to the doldrums of life. Listen and ye will hear how they became masters to no one but themselves and and slaves to none but the wind. Bound by one thing. No rope or chain. Not a man or a job. Not by morals and not by ideologies. Only by the bond of friendship among four brothers and the promise to "Sail or Die".... To live The Pirate's Life.

Follow me if you dare, brave soul, and hear these lads tell the tale of how they decided to cast off aboard their ship on a voyage to nowhere yet everywhere at the same time. Grab a bottle of rum, pack your pipe, put on your favorite pirate CD, sit back, and follow them as they scour the ends of the earth in search of adventure, treasure, wenches, and a general good time. See what kind of trouble they can get themselves in and hopefully out of.

Be ye warned!!! You may be cursed after hearing this tale. Ye may never look at your life the same. Ye might find yourself looking toward the sea only to feel that empty longing. Knowing some how that there is more to life than this and it could all be waiting for you... Just over the next horizon. Will ye answer the call of the Pirate's Life??

When u have a hard time,just laugh.( >.^)

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