Friendship is treasure

Friendship is love but not in love..
Friendship is a secret never to be told..
Friendship is a shoulder to cry on..
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do..
Friendship is not judging no matter what..
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough..
Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough..
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you..
Freindship is just knowing they are there..

My friend is all of these hope you have one just like her. 
Friendship means trust..
Friendship means undesirable love..
Friendship means heart to be united..
No one say he lost friendship..
But many people say he lost his romance..  

Friendship freezes misspoken or misinterpreted words..
Friendship melts the shadows of the heart..
Friendship's soul swells rolling the emblazoned red carpet at our doorways.
Friendship is the bridge binding two islands.
Friendship is one fragrant blossom meeting the perfect ground.
Friendship is wild laughing by the swishing stream.
Friendship is watching leaves turn stunning colours.
Friendship is a golden chain with luck charms worn about the neck or wrist.
Friendship is the turquoise stone tucked away in the pocket or enveloped under the pillow.
Friendship is a frog sitting beside a bold bright yellow rose on a Sunday morning in August.
Friendship extends its magical arms for it is not the receiving but the giving.
Friendship is creating a mood positive and light.
Our friendship is the air, fire, earth, and water of the universe!

 Friendship is treasure.. With Tang,Esan&Sha

When u have a hard time,just laugh.( >.^)

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